Friday, December 11, 2015

Banning the lesser of the two evils

I think the FDA's proposal to completely ban vapor products is a bit extensive. Yes, as recent research has shown, there are harmful chemicals in vapor liquids as Fernando has stated but there are harmful chemicals in cigarettes also. Their proposal seems very discriminatory towards the vapor industry which causes suspicion. Taking the conversation down that path would hint at conspiracy and corruption but for the sake of this conversation, I'll just say I agree with my classmates that banning vapor products will do more harm than good.

I do casually smoke cigarettes and eventually want to quit. I also have many friends that used to smoke and they now use e-cigs to curb their addiction. If the FDA were to completely ban vapor products, I feel like that would really hinder our chances of quitting this bad habit that we all agree is both bad for us and at the same time incredibly addictive. In a negative way, they are banning the lesser of two evils.

Michael's Blog Post

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A right that should be reserved for the responsible

It seems like there has been a shooting every week this past month and every time it happens, the debate on gun control comes up. The debate varies along both sides to extreme points of view where we should prohibit guns all together to lesser extreme viewpoints that involve tightening the restrictions on what it takes to get a gun. Then there are people who point to the constitution and bring out their pitchforks and torches anytime this debate comes up.

I do agree that the government has no right to infringe on our right to bear arms but at the same time there does need to be stronger regulation on the issue. I feel like it would do more harm than good if we were to take away guns all together, I think terrorists or anybody with ideas of shooting up public places would think twice if they weren't the only armed ones in those public places. At the same time though, we shouldn't give everybody and anybody the right to own a gun, especially those with mental issues. The restrictions have to come with stricter tests and evaluations on the individuals requesting guns to make sure they are mentally stable and trained in what to do in threatening situations. There are too many people out there that watch an action movie and think just because they have a gun, that gives them the power to be a hero. That's where you hear stories of CHL holders firing their weapons in public without observing their surroundings and shooting nearby bystanders. Their actions, no matter how good hearted, ends with them being convicted of manslaughter.

So yes it is our constitutional right but to exercise that right comes with great responsibility and it is the government's job to find a way to regulate that right in a justified manner.